Baronial Meeting Feb. 18, 2021
Start time: 7:35 (recorded)
Michelle: Happy we have moved to the Zoom platform. Most of us are more comfortable with it.
Malatesta (MoAS): Sent in the reports. Tons of classes every week being posted; people are taking classes and working on the Love Project. Having issues with email; Michelle will contact Kojirou about his warrant.
Michelle (Exchecquer): Can’t get the video, having IT Guy work on it tomorrow.
Shirin: Accts deputy Aelish, domesday report finished and updated. Off by $100 due to a donation, which has been corrected. This month’s bank statement; Shirin has moved and although her address was updated, the bank sent the statement to the old address. She has requested a second copy from the bank. Financial Committee for 2021 determined. Seneschal vote needed for Financial Policy & Budget so it can be sent to Kingdom. Required officers who need money for events or supplies have been included in the budget for 2021; we should be breaking even.
Michelle: Thank you for all the work that you do.
Zalkuubar: Meeting notes being transcribed. Next quarterly released in April, theme is “Salt.”
Michelle: Thank you for all you do, we really appreciate it.
Baroness Malatesta: Need to put out and see if people wanted to do the feast. Received replies that some aren’t interested in attending.
Baron Guy: Do we have a plan for feast, or someone to cook a feast?
Baroness: We considered the menu to be Roman as Sionainn’s alter-persona is Roman.
Baron Guy: Votes for ribeye; sliced standing rib roast.
Michelle: Baron Guy “volunteering” to be the cook for feast and Andy will cut the meat. It sounds like we have our volunteers.
Baron Guy:
Michelle: Speaking of events, one of the things Kingdom has asked us is “how we want to open back up our local events”. Right now, I think our best course of action is … something to think about over the next couple of months is… is following the local health guides enough, or do we need more health and safety restrictions. How do we think we can SAFELY have events again? Actually, speaking of events, we have a theme for Quest. We are going to have a pilgrimage… as an online event. We need people to help with an online event. Even more than we need help with Quest, we need a new Exchecquer; her warrant was up in January, but she has graciously volunteered to stay on until May. If we do not have an Exchecquer by May, we will be in “dormant” status. If we can’t have an exchecquer, we can’t have events, or any official activities at all until we can prove to the Kingdom that we are responsible enough to have an E, we will not be able to be a Barony.
Baron Guy: We need more activity from everyone other than those people who are in this chat. The reality is our people are not supporting our own group. We have Kingdom Officers in our group: Kojirou, Eys, Fia. If you are in contact with the other members of this group, reach out to them and invite them back. Invite them to attend online or virtual events.
Michelle: Either step up or find someone else who can step up. We need the Exchecquer job filled. Andy can’t do it because he lives with the seneschal. Please, please, please help your Barony. We are still looking for event stewards for the October “Axes and Arrows” and for “Twelfth Night”. We are looking at renaming “Twelfth Night” to “Candlemas.”
Zalkuubar volunteered to help with Quest; she has a Zoom account and can be a host.
Discussion about the Pilgrimage, where the destination is, Giliana and Braden will be involved.
Discussion about Megaladon Shark teeth embedded in a blue whale; they might still exist.
Ended at 8PM.